The Wellbeing Program Paradox
As a culture consultant, I see too many organisations trying to meditation-app their way out of fundamental workplace issues. It's like putting a plaster on a broken leg. Instead, invest in creating healthy cultures from the ground up and build something worth being part of.
Culture Rots From The Top
Toxic culture is the biggest risk to every organisation, regardless of size, industry or country. It can destroy lives, results, reputations and the organisation itself. Ignoring it will only make things worse. Take a different approach and turn toxicity around.
Is your company bad for your employees' health?
We’re increasingly seeing research that points to behaviours in the workplace that are responsible for stress, anxiety, overwhelm and worse. Looking the other way is not an option. Create a culture of caring, not scaring.
Is your culture making good people bad?
No one sets out to do a bad job but when the systems and senior leadership let them down there are toxic times ahead. If the right conditions bring out the best in people, then the opposite is also true.
12 Ways to Build Happiness AND Productivity
They’re not mutually exclusive - quite the opposite as more of one leads to more of the other!