You can't do more with less. However...
Sometimes you have to say ’no’. Teams that focus on doing fewer things to a high level of quality, will always achieve more than those that are overwhelmed by work.
Leadership is not a Checklist
It’s not a list that you’ll never be able to live up to, a pithy saying or a lesson you can easily learn. Leadership takes focus and intentional action, every day.
Three Culture Traits That Business and Sports Can Trade
There’s winning and then there’s performance - and culture plays a part in both. So what can business and sport learn from each other?
No Trust, No Teamwork
Trust should be part of our day-to-day work experience and demonstrated through our behaviours, but more often it is deemed something to be earned and given reluctantly.
How Much Is Enough?
Are things unneccessarily complicated where you work? They don’t have to be. Let’s choose a simpler way.
Is your company bad for your employees' health?
We’re increasingly seeing research that points to behaviours in the workplace that are responsible for stress, anxiety, overwhelm and worse. Looking the other way is not an option. Create a culture of caring, not scaring.
Use It Or Lose It!
If you don’t use your training and development budget, someone else might get the spoils! Be smart, identify strategic development needs throughout the year and provide your people with relevant experiences, not excuses.
Try A Little Levity In 2021
There’s strength in a little lightness, especially when things are out of your control.
5 Phrases Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Consistently Use
Of course you must back them up with your behaviours, but with a little effort and intent you can role model humanity at work!
One Resolution Every Manager Can Make
What happens when you flip your mindset and start rooting for people instead of looking for division?
Six 2022 Decisions You Can Make Now!
Don’t wait, don’t hesitate - reflect on how you want 2022 to look for you and your culture - and start creating it with these key decisions.
Stop Saying Yes To Everything!
Instead of doing six things badly, get three things done well by prioritising your high value work and productive time - and not saying ‘yes’ doesn’t have to mean ‘no’ (but sometimes the answer is just ‘no’).
How Much Baggage Are You Carrying?
We all haul around things we don’t need any more. From emotions and behaviours to possessions and processes; let’s lighten the load.
5 Expectations of Leaders Right Now
The leadership traits you needed in 2020 will not be the same ones you need in 2021/2/3 because... guess what... the world and your culture has already changed and will only continue to evolve.
Setting Yourself Up for Culture Success
Harness the power of ‘the fresh start effect’ by making defining your culture a priority.