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Managers - Are You Making Time for Culture?
Managers are pulled in multiple directions - often by things that are never covered in the job description. Building a high performing culture will help balance the demands and bring ownership to the team.
Culture Change? Start with the little things
Like many things in life, little and often is a great way to make positive changes and your workplace culture is no different. If you want to stop paying lip service to great culture and actually get on with creating one, start small.
Values Aren't Values Forever
Nothing lasts forever - and that includes your values. Businesses grow, society evolves, people change - so, do your values still reflect your culture and what you stand for?
Your 2022 focus should be on the great attraction
Instead of worrying about who you might lose, get busy creating a culture people want to be part of.
Does Your Project Approach Favour People or Process?
Consistent project success needs commitment to, and investment in, both technical maturity and emotional maturity. Too much focus on one or the other will result in less delivery and more despair.
12 Ways to Build Happiness AND Productivity
They’re not mutually exclusive - quite the opposite as more of one leads to more of the other!