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How politics affects working culture
Politics will always affect how we work, because we (the electorate) often demand that it does, however, the reaction to these changes and the choices that leaders make needn’t happen overnight. Culture (social and working) will always be driven by the humans who are living it day-to-day. This is why culture matters so much.
Flexible vs Hybrid Work: What they mean and why it matters
Where we work - or how we structure the working week - is back in the news. Four years after the pandemic, organisations are still feeling their way around flexible and hybrid work arrangements. What do these terms actually mean? And how do you implement them successfully?
In a hybrid world, you have to work harder to keep talent
It’s just the way it is now and the quicker we adapt, the better. Define your new working culture, trust your people to get on with it and create and support more effective ways of working (not more work!) if you want to attract and hold on to the talent your business needs.
Hybrid Working is an Experiment
Experimentation entails making mistakes, doubting the outcomes, staying the course and keeping tabs on what’s actually working
The Return to the Office: Boom or Bust?
This is an opportunity - don’t waste it! Do the groundwork to create a well defined hybrid culture and you stand a better chance of creating something sustainable that harnesses the best of both worlds.
The Six Considerations of Hybrid Working
You don’t go to work, you do it… and for hybrid to be a successful scenario for all involved we are talking about more than a policy tweak.
In A Hybrid World, Managers Need To Up Their Game
The way we work has changed so it stands to reason the skills of managers must change too. Many feel, understandably, out of their depth when it comes to remote teams. What can help?
Your Culture is Already Hybrid
Instead of fixating on the ‘where’ of a hybrid culture, focus on the how…