Strong foundations
Foundations are crucial in construction for several key reasons: they distribute load evenly to protect the structure from sinking or moving; they protect against damage from below; and they provide a level surface on which to build. Foundations essentially create a stable base that allows the rest of the structure to maintain its integrity over time.
Early Aboriginal people used mounds of earth to create foundations. The Egyptians used sandstone blocks. The Romans were the first to employ widespread use of concrete.
When you build a house, there's no debate. No one says, "let's skip the foundation and figure it out later". That would be absurd.
Yet in business, we do exactly that.
The foundation for all business success is its culture. Often when I ask organisations how they’re investing in their culture, they’ll tell me that they’re too busy building.
Too busy writing operating models. Too busy hiring. Too busy drawing up processes. Too busy launching. Too busy to lay the groundwork that makes all of that matter — the culture.
The same leaders who would never buy a house without a proper foundation will run entire organisations without giving a second thought to what's holding everything up.
Culture isn't a nice-to-have.
An inspiring vision, a strong set of demonstrable values, an agreement on how you’ll behave, a determination of how people will work together — these aren't optional extras. They're the concrete and steel that keep everything stable when things get shaky.
If your organisation doesn’t have strong foundations it’s not too late. You can start pouring them today. Right now. Don’t wait, because it only takes a minute for a whole building to come crashing down.